Warts an' All
I had an interesting chat with Jaimee last week. We were sitting at the table colouring-in together and she kept saying "pardon me" as she passed wind. Nice manners you say? Yes, that's what I thought and I told her as much. She continued popping away and pardoning herself each time and eventually I suggested perhaps she needed to go and use the toilet. Nope, she assured me she didn't need to go. (I later found out she'd 'stolen' a bunch of grapes out of her father's work van and scoffed the lot, go figure.) We carried on colouring, switching pencils, turning pages to a 'better' picture (just when I'm finally getting into the one she'd first chosen...I may never reach my full colouring-in potential because of this kid.) Jaimee: "I never say 'pardon me' at Kindy" Me: "Oh? Why's that?" Jaimee: "Because then they'd know I did it." Me: "But surely your friends at Kindy...