And Here It Is...

I have arrived. I am now in the land of the 40s...a newly initiated member of the 40s Club.

I came online this morning to read my comments. Thank you to all those that have wished me a Happy Birthday. I'm very touched by your wishes.

Then of course I went over to Walker's site....besides the fact that I do this as part of my daily routine, it was obvious that he'd been sending his readers over. I was so touched by his gesture today....the fireworks and flashing stars and his birthday message to me is beautiful...I was moved to tears by the lyrics in the song he has on his appropriate in our situation. I knew he'd been upto something....last week he'd said, more to himself than to me, "I've got 9 days to do this"...I finally bothered doing the calculation and realised it was the date of my birthday in 9 I just KNEW he was up to something lol. Thank you so much honey.

15 came out this morning and made me cry again. He gave me a book called "Dear Mum - Thank you for Everything" (Bradley Trevor Greive). It's a small book that has beautiful black and white photos on each page of animals in various positions and expressions, all suited for the words that run along each picture. One of my favourite parts in the book is..."Frankly, I'd be lost without you, Mum, and I only wish I had more than one lifetime to repay the incredible debt I owe you. You have shown me a world filled with love and wonder, you have put me on the path to a rich and rewarding life, and you have made me happier than you could possibly imagine. I want the whole world to know: MY MUM IS THE GREATEST MUM IN THE UNIVERSE. Because you are. Thank you Mum. Thank you for everything." *sniff*

14 and I are going shopping after he finishes school today. It only occurred to me yesterday, that he doesn't earn his own money and I didn't want him feeling bad for missing out on this in some way. So I offered to give him some money and take him shopping. He was pleased with that. That was after he'd said "Ok, you give me the day off from school tomorrow and I will cook you breakfast and do whatever you want me to for the entire day...that will be my gift to you." Obviously, a non-starter for the skipping school part, so I just said "Nah, let's just go shopping" lol.

Although I don't feel any feels kinda good to be able to say I'm 40. 40 is a good round wholesome number. I like it. Today is my day...this is MY year....for the longest time, 4 has been my favourite number and supposedly my number in the numbers game of life. And now I've turned 40....4 + 0 = 4. This is a good sign. I would say wonderful things are going to happen to me now...but there's no need...because as most of you are aware....I have had so many wonderful things happening already.

I am truly blessed.

I hope you can hear the song I'm playing, you might need to have my page open for a trillion hours to hear it lol. Although some of the lyrics aren't appropriate, I love this song all the same....and I would love to be dancing and smooching up against my man to it.


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