This and other words...Nothing

Morning all...I've just dropped Cameron (16) off at work. Well, actually, he dropped himself off. Seeing as he's had bugger all driving experience, I've been making him drive down to the bakery each weekend to at least pick up some confidence behind the wheel. Considering it's 5.50am when he takes to the streets, there's almost always absolutely no traffic whatsoever. On the rare occasion that another vehicle is seen tootling along at that hour of the morning, he tends to become extremely rigid and I have strong suspicions that his heart rate triples.

Anyway, this morning is the second time he actually drove to work with a good amount of confidence and the speedo even reached over 40km (last weekend was the first). I'm thinking now he could be ready to take on the motorway during peak hour traffic. Well, maybe not yet, but it's a goal to work towards.

I don't have a helluva lot to impart today, so I'm going to leave you with this and head back to bed. Should you be coming into read me on a regular basis, or whether you're just passing through by clicking "next blog" so kind as to click this link. Just by clicking on it, you will pass your vote on my site...last time I mentioned this, you all shot me to number two on the Clix I'm feeling less greedy and would just be content to get on the front page lol.

If you're feeling in a generous mood and you've not already done the map thing, perhaps you'd also like to click on the button on the right there in my side bar ("View my Guestmap, Place Your Pin") and make your mark on my world. If you do so, please be sure to leave the link to your website...that way, I can come on over and have a visit.

And speaking of links, I'm about to update my blogroll and add a few extras on there that I've been reading lately, but been too lazy to bother doing anything about. If you're not on my list and would like to be, feel free to bring it to my attention in the comments section (or email if you're shy) and I'll add you.

Right, I'm off back to bed...have a good weekend yall!


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