Honey, I'm Home!

Well I'm back in Wellington. Flew home late last night. Clear skies, no wind, so rather uneventful. The cabin crew however was another story. They were chatty, friendly and full of quips and wise-cracks over the PA system.

For instance,

"Here at Pacific Blue, we pride ourselves on having skillful and efficient pilots, and the most up to date technical equipment. We also pride ourselves on having the most good looking cabin crew."

"Unfortunately they couldn't be with us on this flight, so you'll have to put up with blah, blah and blah* this evening." (*Not their real names.)


"We're about to dim the lights for take-off, so if you were thinking of making a move on the person next to you, now would be a good time to do it." Then hissing eerily into the microphone: "I know what you did last summer!"

While the above brought a smile to my face, it didn't change the fact that I'd left Dan behind. It's lovely to be a normal couple in the same space like everyone else. As I stared out the plane window during the flight, my heart sank at the reality of knowing the following morning he would not be within arm's reach. Boo.

Still, progress is progress and if I cast my mind back 12 months, I should have nothing to complain about. Back then there was obviously no way I could fly down south on a whim.

Arriving in the door at home I was pleasantly surprised to see the household in good order. When I left there were boxes of computer equipment scattered around the lounge and enough teenage boys for Africa (slight exaggeration, maybe just for Australia, whatever). Last night the lounge was tidy, vaccuumed even *gasp*, the kitchen clear and all the laundry done. Plus the cat was still breathing (oh well, can't have everything).

Cameron kept a tight rein on the goings on around here...to the point where he'd told Ryan on Friday night, that if he (Ryan) wasn't home by 7pm, there would be dire consequences. I hope Ryan is now aware of how leniant is mother is. But then he always did listen to Cam more than me. I'd have been interested to know what those consequences would've been, had Ryan not turned up in time.

Last time I came home to find the house a bit of a bombsite...needless to say Cam was disappointed with my reaction, haha. I think he thought I'd be rapt only because they hadn't burnt the house down. I won't deny I was of course, pleased they hadn't. After my initial blowout, I asked Cam if he'd missed me, his response was a gloomy "I had."

Anyway, I'm happy to report that all is well on the home front today. I am loving that I'm able to leave the boys alone for several days, without major apprehension. They're proving themselves capable of holding the fort and not becoming malnourished. Always a good thing from a parental point of view.

Should I ever come back to find an unfamiliar pair of panties mixed in with other laundry, well, that'll be cause to review the situation wouldn't it? Course it would. The main issues being...who have they had here while I've been away? Why are her panties still here? (and how the hell did they remove themselves from her person??) Course, it'll be worse still if one of them actually claims them as his. That'd be a whole other matter for me to adjust to lol.



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