Skeletal Misdemeanours

Ryan's girlfriend arrived in Wellington today (she lives up north, we are obviously a family with national affiliations *waves flag* yay us)...she's staying until Friday. We don't have a spare room, so the plan was that Ryan sleep on the sofa, while Therese took over his bedroom. Everyone was happy with that, so it was all good.

"WAS" being the operative word. Yesterday at approximately 1.15pm, my youngest son fell out of a tree (yes, a freakin' tree)...broke both bones in his left leg (tibia and fibula), which pierced the skin and then duly went back in. Enter one compound fracture.

Thankfully, he was surrounded by friends when this happened and one in particular was Cameron's current boss. He rang me to let me know...I couldn't hear him properly and thought he was the painter at first, sheesh...but the news got through finally and I left the house with the ingredients of pinwheel scones strewn across the kitchen counter.

I started writing this quickly this afternoon when I came home to give him a brief respite, and now I'm too tired to finish lol. I'll follow up soon as I can with details, but the bottom line is, he had surgery yesterday afternoon to have a rod installed and he's doing fine. Quite the tough cookie is our Ryan...he's in good spirits albeit frustrated at not being allowed to get out of bed.

More later when I'm less knackered. Oh well, at least he's sleeping in a proper bed I guess lol.


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