Bits and Pieces

How happy is this huh? lol

It's obviously not a "I'm so happy I could burst" kinda pic, in fact it's more of a "get out of my face, I don't want to be messed with" kinda look. I have, of course, received permission from 15 to post this here. If I had not, and posted it anyway, I would have had to face that expression day in and day out, until he felt he had punished me enough (he's a teenager, what can I say? it could have gone on for months). This pic was taken while he was in Japan. I actually emailed it to his father with a note saying "Here's a photo of our son having the time of his life in Japan" lol. 15 had in fact, just finished touring through the Japanese Peace Museum. He told me later that what he'd seen in there was so depressing and gave him such horrific visions of the past, that it took him some time to shake off the mood.


I got a call at work from 14 on Friday afternoon. He told me he'd had a slight problem that day at school. During science they were dissecting sheeps lungs. He told me he'd almost passed out because he'd felt so squeasy with the whole lesson. I thought he was being dramatic, but this was backed up 20 minutes later by a phone call from his science teacher. Apparently 14 had gone quite pale and left the class to sit outside to regain his composure. Under the circumstances, I don't blame him. Bleech. She was ringing to check and see if he was doing ok now. It made me feel good that the school could ring me about my youngest son, without me having to front up at the Principal's office the following day. lol

On to other news. Weight Watchers have officially fired me. Due to the business with 14 in April and then working double shifts in May, I had been unable to get to the meetings on Monday evenings to do the weigh in thing. I sure as hell wasn't going to be rushing off to meet at a different location in between shifts to find I hadn't lost any weight or god forbid, put some on. So now I'm waiting for the "You can come back, without paying any back fee or enrolment fee now" letter. I could possibly put on the weight I'd lost by then lol. I know I haven't gained any, in fact I lost another kilo in the past month, which is not a major amount but a loss is a loss. Yay for water retention lol.

My 40th birthday dinner has been shifted to the following weekend (1st or 2nd July). This is because 15 is drumming in the college's musical variety show, Wed, Thurs, Friday...and I can't be having my 40th dinner without him present.

Speaking of college, a close friend and I went out to my old college while on a drive a few months ago....for old time's sake we stopped in to wander around the school grounds. Lots of memories came flooding back. As we walked around, we discovered a side door left wide open...was this not an invitation to enter?? Not being one to just stand and stare fate in the face, I dragged her through the door and we got to wander up and down the corridors, looking at old school photos on the walls. Eventually, I needed to pee...was there not a perfectly good school toilet right there?? In the spirit of school remembrance I used the loo, and then we moved our arses outta there.

I wore my balls that day. Check this out to find out what that actually means.

Hope you're all having a lovely, relaxing weekend! Over and out.


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