
Showing posts from November, 2008

We Did It!

I must say I didn't have as much problem this month as I did in July when I tried this, but then I did have a bit to write about, what with the flat crap an' all. Mind you, I had flat crap in July as well, while I was busy trying to rent it, eg. laying carpet, hole in laundry wall due to yet another leak etc. The boys and I went out this afternoon for coffee. Turned out it was for an early dinner and icecream instead. It's almost like I have to pay them to spend time with me these days. Well, maybe not to that extent, but there's usually a bit of bribing needed to get them out of the house with me. While we were having our eats this afternoon, we started talking about what we could get each other for Christmas. Several large ticket items were mentioned, way out of our price range, but we were kinda fantasising, so what the hey. Then Cameron leans over to Ryan and says behind his hand: "I know...we should buy her a friend, then we wouldn't have to go to the...

Just Every Day Life

Haven't seen Miss Jaimee for a while, so I must do something about that this weekend. But then I also haven't heard from her, so I'm wondering if they're either away or just been full on busy with life like the rest of us. It's another beautiful day here in Wellington, bit breezy, but that's makes it the perfect washing day. Got called downstairs to the tenants this morning...that's not unusual, it's rent day and I usually have to go down to them to get it. They never come up here. I heard a few days ago that the husband had to go to the doctor earlier this week because of a chill he apparently got in his back due to the leaky roof. I don't know if that's what actually caused it, but I really am not going to bother investigating it further. They feel that was the cause, so I deducted $70 off the rent for the doctor's visit, and everyone seems happy. They didn't ask for it, but it made me feel slightly better for all the crap they...

Butter Wouldn't Melt in My Mouth

It's a gorgeous day today. Not a cloud in the sky...lots of birds singing...the delicious smell of BBQ's sizzling and the happy laughter of children playing drifts through the open door of my home. It's one of those special days...the kind we all love about summer. (Fuck it, I just realised I forgot to get butter when I was out earlier) Excuse me for a mo, gotta text Ryan. Damn, too late. I can hear the scooter coming up the street...there goes that plan. Speaking of's the one I was waxing lyrical about the other day. Please excuse the dark circles under my eyes...I did get plenty of sleep last night, that's just the end of day mascara doing it's thing, blah. Here's the other version of my hat. Not that you can notice much of's disappeared into the wall behind me. Oh well, ya can't say I didn't try. Just about outta the woods folks, only 2 days to go. (And here's me thinking I was not going to go on and on about nee...

Heading for the Home Straight

I'm sitting here trying to come up with something to blog this evening. Only 4 more posts to go...that's including this one. I'm struggling for subject matter...well, more that I'm tired and can't be bothered trying to be witty lol. A few positive things after yesterday's moan. It didn't rain, so the washing DID get dry. I worked until 8.45pm last night, so sent Cam a text message earlier asking him to get the washing in as soon as he was home. His response? "You are a mean person." Just for getting the washing in? Sheesh...that kid's gonna get a shock when he's out there on his own next year. I told him that one day he'll answer the phone and all he'll hear is me laughing at him. lol The insurance loss adjuster finally turned up this afternoon, he reckons the room downstairs will be liveable again early next week, thank God. My colleague's son has been improving really well, he's out of hospital now, and getting bet...

Would You Like Some Crap With That?

I feel quite down today. I've just hung out the washing Cameron did last night, but I think it's going to rain. In fact online, the weather forecast says it will rain later but I've hung the bloody stuff out anyway. While the weather in Christchurch was lovely and possibly too warm for me...the weather in Wellington was blowing gale force winds and lashing rains for a couple of days. There's now a hole in the ceiling of the tenancy downstairs where water came through at around 2am...and wet the bed that the tenants were sleeping in. The bed that's in the middle of the lounge, because the bedroom is still being worked on. The carpet is now laid, the skirting boards I removed due to them being swollen with water are still to be replaced...and there is only half a ceiling. If I've managed to understand the tenant correctly, the workmen are coming back next Monday to finish that off. The cat got into my bedroom during my absence and slept several times on my fl...

Just a Quickie

just about didn't make posting that is, not to home. Very bumpy flight into Wellington this evening. Anne collected me from the airport approx 40 minutes after touchdown. Apparently there was a detour through the city. Besides, I had texted her just before we boarded to let her know we were running late, so she was to take her time. I'd rather have me waiting around for her than vice versa. Came home to the house in a similar state as it was before I went away (but with hot water, hooray). The rest of it will be in order before I go back to work tomorrow afternoon. I'm practically looking forward to it...I know, odd. Ryan has handed his notice of resignation into the service station, and I have to say I'm pleased about that. I'll fill you in more another time. Cameron was cooking his delicious beef/garlic/seasame seed combo something-or-other when I walked in the door, so house reeks of the smell (nice smell though). Hopefully all will be back to norma...

Invalid, but Valid All the Same

No post today. I'm too tired. It's too hot. Maybe I'm getting too old. I did say "Maybe.." Ok, I'm just feeling too As you were.

It's THAT Big??

I'll confess I had a slow start to my morning. This was due to the 5 bourbon and cokes I downed last night. In my defence...they went down really well and kept going that way...and it's not like I had anywhere to it was all good. I didn't have a hangover this a.m., however, as mentioned earlier, I was moving slower than usual. We went to the Riccarton Market today. Totally enjoyed that. Bought myself what I think is a fabulous hat...mainly because it actually fits my head. MY head! Thanks to my Dad, I have a rather large's a polynesian thing I think. Commonly referred to as "Boonga" syndrome. Ok, that's just my take on it, but whenever anything on me is bigger than usual European standards, I blame my Boonga roots. Boonga affectionate term for polynesian, you understand. Anyone that's met me in person will notice immediately that I am a Boonga, through and through. Wide feet: check. Hula hips: check. Larg...

Pushing the Buttons

Busy day today. Early start with breakfast at the casino here in Christchurch. 7.30am. Lovely breakfast buffet and then had a fiddle around on the slot machines. Do they still call them slots? We call them "Pokies" here, which is interesting in's not like you get poked while you're playing them is it? God knows there'd be a shitload more people addicted if that were the case. Lines and lines of people backed up around the corner waiting to get in. Come on, you know I'm right. There's a possibility we call them pokey machines (not to be confused with hokey pokey, although half of you won't even know what that is...a flavour of ice cream and more recently chocolate. Oh, how about the hokey tokey? put your left foot in, put your left foot out, you do the hokey tokey and yadda yadda yadda, or something) here because you're (not necessarily YOU, but just you run of the mill people (not calling you run of the mill you understand) p...

A Good Steal

It's midday and I'm being very quiet. I know that sounds unusual for me, but I really can do it you know. Dan's been asleep since about 6am...pretty good for him, he's a bit hopeless on the sleeping stakes. I suspect after 7 nights of doing this shift he's exhausted. Poor lamb...(altogether now...."Awwwwwwww"). Did the washing and ran out of is that possible? There's two of them living here, do they take turns at hanging out their washing? Anyway, I took some money off his bedside drawers, bought some pegs, and a couple of other important things *pushes new cellphone hastily in pocket* just kidding. So, so far today, I've stolen his money, stolen his truck (bloody hell, I was magnificent driving that hulking damn thing haha so proud *beam*) and been tiptoeing around the house so as not to wake him. Like silently ninja-ing off into the night...but it's light...and I'm not really that good at doing the silent thing. Don't...

Rambling Drivel

I've spent the last couple of hours messing around not doing much...pretty much just about anything else except blogging. It's not that I'm avoiding you, it's just that when I'm not at my own keyboard everything feels different. You know what I mean? Different desktop or laptop, things are in different places etc. I have to get my bearings first before I can sit down comfortably and try to get my groove going. My groove...such as it is at the moment. I'm not good with change ya know? lol It can take me a couple of days to get comfy. Not in the house, I don't have a problem with that. I'm used to where most things are. Although I did come out of the kitchen tonight while cooking dinner and declare "Wherever we all are in the future, we are having gas hobbs." It wasn't a question, it's happening. Electric hobbs...have to wait for them to warm up, etc etc. I get bored standing around waiting for everything to heat up to the rig...

Almost There

Not much time today. Going out to get a half leg and under arm shortly (God, why does hair have to grow back all the time??). Haven't heard from the loss adjuster about the room downstairs as yet. That's bugging the shit out of me. The insurers knew I was going away tonight and told me they'd get someone here beforehand. I'd rather be the one having to deal with this, than lump it on Anna (see pic - Anna's body, baby-to-be Payten, and of course the cheeky Jaimee)...who now has all the information she needs, including the various phone numbers. If that brother stresses her out in any way I'll tear his head off (ok, I won't, but I'll do something equally nasty.) I have to pack yet, I'm working until 8pm tonight and flying out at 9.15pm (all going well and I make it to the airport in time haha, let's not tempt fate by mentioning that. The doctor's been told she HAS to run to time tonight lol.) Have a good day/night and I'll catch you fr...

I've Got Hot Water!

Ring the papers! Tell the world! oh yeah, I just did  (heh). Steve couldn't make it yesterday, but he turned up today with the gas fitter.  They installed the new hot water thingy...squarish thing that attaches to the wall on the outside of the house.  Hear that? the outside .  That means not even the remotest possibility of flooding inside . Brilliant. I had the first shower in my own bathroom since Friday and it was bloody magnificent.  Well, it was for me anyway.  Thank God that part's fixed.  Now I can fly south tomorrow knowing the boys will be clean...well, hope the boys will be clean anyway.

But Wait...There's More!

Is it my imagination or are the word verification "words" getting easier to deal with? There once was a time I'd have to type the damn group of letters about three times to get it right...these days they're practically words. Not necessarily real words, but a group of letters that you can at least pronounce even if you do sound like a plonker pronouncing them. The last few times I've commented on someone else's blog (because it would really be the height of narcissism to keep doing that on my own )...I've had "leele" and "foose", throw in a "stizesse" and even a "bmaac" is practically friendly on the mouth and ear. They've changed something haven't they? They must've done it when I was AWOL a while back and not watching things so closely. And another thing...have you noticed the "following" thing? I mean, I used to rely on to keep me up to date with what you lot were d...

My Hero

I had plans to mow the lawn this afternoon and use the weedeater down the driveway, around the steps, wherever weedeaters do their best work etc. I told Cameron he was going to help me. He could either mow the back lawn or use the weedeater. He opted for the mowing. Turned out I couldn't even get the bloody thing started. After yanking away for what felt like ages...tried pulling the cord on different angles...held my mouth different ways...switched switches, pumped pumps, whatever. Anyway, thinking I'd flooded it, I left it alone for a while and went to cut down one of the noxious weed bushes that is persistent on coming back to life with a vengeance whenever I cut them right back. See, I thought it would be a good idea to get rid of that particular bush today because it was obstructing the gate between me and the property next door. The property next door which houses a man who I often see or hear using his own mower and weedeater. I figured I take out the obstruct...

No Hot Water to Get Into

Just realised that yesterday's post was my'd think I'd have something more profound to write about than the roof falling in wouldn't you?...well that is kinda what happened, and as you'd expect, it did take up a fair amount of my thoughts. Today is not really that much different, although some progress has been made.  The carpet's not as wet as it was, the floor beneath it's been scrubbed, skirting and smooth-edge has been removed, the heater blower thingies are heating and blowing. Yesterday while the water was gushing through the ceiling, the two ladies that live downstairs, plus their brother, went down to the service station to see Ryan.  Ryan, completely unaware of what was happening at home, was duly informed and told that I had asked them to go and see him.  What the hell??  Why on earth would I do that?  I'm hardly going to send them to his work place to put pressure on him am I?  Did they think he had a magic wand that would stop t...

Getting in Hot Water

I had a rather cruisy morning, messed around at home and although I thought I had something else I should have been doing, I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was. Do you know what I mean?  It's like being restless, wandering around the house, can't put your finger on it kinda thing.  Anyway, my godson's school was have a twilight gala tonight, and it started at 4pm.  I decided that was as good a place as any to go, left the house around 3.15pm and collected Jaimee from daycare on the way.  I figure she'd enjoy toffee apples, candyfloss, and the like...all that good stuff her Mum would go bananas at me about later (well possibly behind my back anyway haha) Unfortunately, not long after arriving at the gala I had a phone call from my tenant's brother (he speaks the better english out of the whole family I believe).    I listened in alarm as he went on to describe that there was water coming from the ceiling in their back bedroom.  I rang Jason who rush...

A Quick Dip

Bloody hell, almost forgot! And saying that, now that it's 9.30 something, I've got nothing to write about. Well, I have, but I'm knackered and I'd rather be climbing into bed to read my book. Which I'm about to do. But, first, see this photo? These girls are from one of the colleges in Wellington city. These young ladies are all 6th formers (year 12) and apparently in the 7th form they don't have to wear uniforms. It's been tradition for some time that to mark this fabulous milestone, they put on their uniforms for the last time and jump off the wharf into the lagoon near Wellington Harbour. Why am I bothering to tell you about this? No particular reason really, except yesterday afternoon, not long after this great tradition had been accomplished, I looked up from behind my reception desk to find about 5 of these lovelies walking through the door.  Carried amongst them was another, who had cut her foot so badly it needed stitches. And from what I heard,...

What? How? Why?...err... WHAT?!

So to follow on from yesterday. The phone call on Wednesday night at work. Me: "Good evening, Blah Medical Centre." Ryan: "Lisa?" Me: "Yep, hi honey, what's up?" Ryan: "Oh right, hi Mum. Would you mind if I moved out tomorrow?" *brakes squealing...metal colliding...hubcap spinning...* *...silence* Mentally...I reacted like this: In reality it was more like this: Because, you know, I'm dark skinned.  So in my mind I was exactly like this second picture.  Except I carry a lot more, I'm not actually as dark as this lady...oh, I'm older than her of course...and I don't have a tiara...but I've always wanted one.  AND...she looks like she's playing at being a tiger...we all know how gorgeous and powerful those big cats are...which is kinda sexy. I never role play wild animals but whatever floats your boat. We could be identical twins, yeah?  I thought so too. WOULD I MIND IF HE MOVED OUT TOMORROW?? Casual....

No Way!

My teenagers are becoming more and more independent these days...I know it, I celebrate it and when I fly off down south to see Dan, I utterly embrace it. It's been a gradual process. First going into town on their own to meet mates, then staying overnight with said mates, flying north to be with other mates etc. Cameron says he's leaving home soon. First draft of that thought, was in last month. He reckoned as soon as he'd finished his exams he'd be outta here. He asked me this weekend "I'm sorry but I won't be leaving now until January, so I hope that's alright with you Mum." I never expected him to be gone in October, but I wasn't going to tell him that. January is gives me a bit more time to get used to the idea. However, I will have to control the urge to gut his bedroom, paint it and use it to my benefit the day after he moves out. I say this only because I'm not sure how long he'll be gone for. W...

Lickety Split

I've been told I'm not allowed to post this is going to have to be our secret ok? Besides, I'll make it quick. Saw the doc this afternoon, he's happy with my BP (140/80), he upped my Tegretol medication and I have to go for blood tests in the morning to check there isn't something else behind the odd turns I had this past weekend. (Funnily enough, I had another this evening, but not quite as bad, so things are lookin' up.) Ryan was gone for the night, so Cam and I went out for dinner because I couldn't be bothered cooking and thought maybe I needed a piece of good red meat in me. Perhaps my iron's down, dunno. Seems all I'm eating lately is chicken or fish. Which is ok...I like chicken and fish, but the steak was worth a shot and I bloody enjoyed it lol. Um...what else? Oh yeah, Fizzy? practice manager said a similar thing about the possibility of migrane. Apparently you can have all those symptoms without actually having a head...

Do You See What I See?

(Oi, check out my very cool NaBloPoMo icon over there on the right. Beauuuutiful huh??! Made specially by the one and only lovely Jo . Not especially for me...but for her...yet she very kindly let me steal it. Which I guess could now make me an abnormal thief. See if I care. Whatever. She said "Yes"...and I said "Alrighty!" Thanks Jo :D ) Last night I was on NZ's version of eBay, which is called TradeMe, trying to win myself one of these , and I had a seizure. The kind of epileptic seizures I have aren't the convulsing sort, they affect my vision (akin to looking through a kaleidescope) and my brain can't seem to send the right messages to my mouth. Or in other words, I can't talk properly, I slow right down, I can't remember what I was talking about and will pause mid sentence struggling to finish of with words that make sense. Most of the time I stop talking altogether and sometimes even freeze, practically holding my breath until it...

Mutiny on the County

Today is New Zealand's general election, so I took myself off to the voting booth and cast my ballot. I have to say that the American election has considerably paled New Zealand's for me (and probably many of us). I had far more interest in the US Elections...I almost forgot I was supposed to vote today. I was so pleased to see Obama won. I'm not an avid follower of politics at all. I wouldn't have a clue about left wing, right wing etc, it all comes together as blah blah blah in my head. I read an article in Time Magazine last month that only confirmed my thoughts on Obama being the right man for the job. He seems a very humble person and his victory speech further strengthened my view. I felt McCain's speech was gracious and respectful. What on earth could he have been thinking to make that woman his wing 'man'. I find it hard to believe that people would vote for someone that obviously needed to spend time taking care of her own were...

It's a Kinda Magic

My godson, Liam (8 years old) went into hospital at 7.30 this morning for surgery. They were inserting grommets in his ears (where else do they put 'em?) and removing his adnoids. HUGE adnoids he had. Not anymore. This is what he looked like just before they wheeled him into theatre. Cute huh? He looks very serious, but that has more to do with what was happening on the PSP, as opposed to what was about to happen. His mother (my best mate Fi) realised she was going to need something to keep him distracted this morning while they waited, and sent out an urgent text message to her friends/family to find someone with a PSP. Big brother Sam came up with the goods at 7am. That little black box kept Liam entertained beautifully. Once I knew he was all done and dusted and I'd sat around waiting for a while, I decided it was probably best to come home and check back in with him later. He was only supposed to go in for the morning, home by 10.30am they reckoned, but due to the ...

One Moment Please Caller

It's been one of those days. You know, one that feels longer than the others? My shift this morning was busier than fact Thursdays in particular are always full-on. I usually get home around 2pm and often get into a hot shower, climb into bed and rest/sleep for an hour. Crazy eh? I've worked less than 6 hours, yet I can come home feeling like a stunned mullet. Afterwards I don't want to say anything, do anything and end up sitting in front of the tv watching doesn't matter what it is...I just need to sit still, be mute and stare. This morning the phone rang so often that at one point I answered with my usual response...."Hello? Are you there?...Hello?" Then I realised I was talking to a dial tone. A freakin' dial tone!? Damn. After I rest I normally have a burst of energy and feel practically inspired to clean...never lasts long...I hate housework. Today I didn't rest, I was moderately energised an...

All Washed Out

I am SO tired of laundry! It's another one of those jobs that is never ending. Furthermore, I really should not complain about something that I know needs to be done and I know will always need to be done. Pointless. Unless of course I choose to never wash my clothes (or the boys for that matter) and we all go around smelling of that yummy stale odour...not. Powers and secrets?...*snort*...what ever . And should the kids ever do their own laundry...well, chances are the moment I find out, I'm gonna end up looking like this. All that's missing is the gaping mouth as it hits the floor. (Oh come on, give me a break, I'm trying aint I? Just think of what else could end up here...afterall, we are only on the 5th day lol.)

Look at That, Look at That...

Don't ask me what I'm looking at on the screen, I wouldn't have a clue. (Excuse the state of my's gale force winds outside (for a change *snort*) and I'd just got in from work. Besides it's actual real life and my hair looks like this the majority of the time...far be it for me to show you my life via rose-tinted glasses, it is what it is lol). My previous camera has always been a bit grainy, but at the time it was far better than the one I didn't have (if you get my drift). During the weekend I buggered off and bought a new improved version of the same webcam. I finally downloaded Skype (which I've done before and had no success with whatsoever), and found what a simple yet effective programme it was...ok, it was probably more about Dan stepping me through some stuff and me finally getting it. I see my sweetheart every day now...not just talk to him. Seeing him, in some ways just makes me miss him more. BUT, I actually get to lay my e...

Say "Cheese...(cake)"

We're attempting to change our eating habits in this household, so for the last 2 weeks plus, we've been following a diet plan, well a healthy eating plan hopefully.  Cameron who really does not have any weight to lose started off by following the plan religiously...saying that, so did I pretty much the first week. I'm pleased to say that Cam has loosened up a little...being that he's only 19 and is not overweight...the daily food intake seems rather low.  While we follow this plan, we've also been keeping an eye on the Weight Watchers food guides and how many points some foods are.  I figured that between the two we're hopefully working in the right direction.  Cam was horrified to find that his favourite pizza, which he can consume in it's entirety in one the equivalent to 40 points.  That's almost twice as many points per day than recommended. There's a lot of chicken on this food plan.  Chicken salad, chicken soup, chicken...

Starting Off on the Right Foot

The crates have been dragged out from under the kids beds and I've been going through them bit by bit trying to muck out everything that hasn't been touched for eons.  I'm trying to do that with most of my household (again)...possibly something to do with Spring getting all sprung and such.  I need to be more brutal, have less emotion and push back any memories that adhere to whatever item has just squeezed my heart... "Aaww, I remember the look on his face when he got this."  My maternal, um, squidginess requires toughening up.  Be gone squish!  Bring me iron! Whatever. I had washing to do, it's a glorious day so it would be a great time to mow the lawn as well...I also have the minutes of Friday night's staff meeting to type up.  The boys have disappeared for the day with their father (both of them out of bed before 11am...who woulda thought it possible??) And what have I been doing with all this spare time today?  I've been sorting my priori...

NaBloPoMo, Go!

At least two of my favourite bloggy people are taking part in the NaBloPoMo challenge of posting every day in November. 30 posts for 30 days. So I went and joined up. Well I think I did. I thought maybe I could have another go at this. I attempted to post each day in July...well, missed about 5 days altogether didn't I? And then I disappeared off the face of the screen for almost two months.  Exhaustion? Disappointment? Lobotomy? Why should I find it so hard to post each day? I used to do it without much thought at all. Possibly I think too much these days.  Last time I bored myself rigid with what I was writing, God knows how you lot coped reading that drivel.  Strong chance that's going to happen again. Anyone know what NaBloPoMo means? National Blog Posting Month maybe?  Just a guess, I'll have to look into that...from the short trip around the site, it appeared you can do this any month of the year.  I think they have different themes/subjects for each month....